Here, we try to share the best tutorial to you at the same time we try to improve ourself in photography. Basically this site was created to share all of my work in the art of photography it for all my friends and look forward to sharing opinions and criticisms of those who are more experienced beside what to learn a new technique in photo imaging, but everyone seems to need something that can guide them in photography so I decided to add some tutorials here. That is the means of SHARING
Nowadays, there are many young photographers just starting their Hobby DSLR camera. Of course they need a few tips to guide them to become a great photographer. Here we Add some tutorials and more for DSLR with the hope can helping to have a nice photograph.
HOW? since I do not have much time to reply to all email and the questions, so I think here is the best way to answering all question by adding some tutorial so people can learn clearly.
We are more focused on the panorama, but at the same time we try to have a photo model, great architecture and eager to share their opinions and criticisms of those who are more experienced at the side of what is necessary to learn new techniques in photo imaging.
Always be alert to the news MHJ. We will provide you with the latest information about our weekend activities. Those interested to participate in the outdoor shooting, a outing with MHJ crew please check out our new story here. We will give all the new information also in the Facebook fan page or via Twitter.